Liquid Water, Atmosphere, and Tolerable Temperature

Posted by A.T. Gomes on September 7, 2016 in Poetry, Writing |


wet, cold and uncomfortable,

like a full diaper.

Crying or sucking are the only options.



bright and warm,

like a cozy blanket,

perfect for napping.



gentle breeze on the hair,

like tickles on the toes.

Kicking arms and legs in the air is a must.


A little rain,

a fresh shower over the head,

puddles to jump in;

let’s go out and play.


A little sun,

blue skies, colorful day,

green grass, swings and slides;

let’s go out and play.


A little wind,

leaves flying through the air,

falling in big piles to jump on;

let’s go out and play.


Pouring Rain,

water running through the gutters,

cascading down the streets.

The world is washed anew ready to be rediscovered.


Blistering Sun,

light at lightning speed,

heating up the blood,

crackling skin and lips, and stretching bones.


Bustling wind,

blowing over old ideas,

blowing up minds,

bringing about change.


Not a little rain, a poring one,

to wash clothes all the way to the underwear,

and dampen shoes,

until only cleanliness and freshness remains.


Not a little sun, a scalding one,

to heat up the skin all through the flesh,

and warm the air in the lungs,

until old wounds melt away.


Not a little wind, a gusting one,

to tousle the hair down to its roots,

and tangle the overcoat around the legs,

until balance is lost.


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